You can make pork lonvas or mutton or beef. It is typical for this style of cuisine to cook their meat and veges together. Lonvas is mainly with white pumpkin (or white squash), but other vegetables like lady fingers, cabbage and radish could be substituted. Mutton/Beef and radish go well together too.
You will need 1/2 kg of foreribs, or fatty meat. Cut it up into pieces, wash and cook with little water and salt. Keep aside and reserve the stock.
1/4kg white pumpkin/white squash cut into pieces
Crush 8 flakes garlic with a stone or the back of a large knife
1/2 coconut grated & squeezed to get its milk/juice. (or you can use coconut milk can)
A small ball of tamarind extract, soaked in little warm water. When soaked, squash it with your hands to make a pulpy concoction.
3 tblsp bottle masala
Heat 2 tblsp oil in a deep dish, saute the crushed garlic, do not brown.
Add bottle masala and fry a little.
Add pumpkin, the meat with its stock; add little water if required.
When pumpkin is cooked, add the coconut juice and simmer.
Lastly, add tamaraind pulp and simmer.
Serve with steamed rice.
Bom Apetite !
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